At Mannerly Manners® we dispel the "myths" surrounding etiquette education by teaching everyday manners that are refreshing and relevant to today’s world.

  • Are manners and etiquette old-fashioned and no longer necessary?
    Teaching social skills and proper manners is more important now than ever. A 1999 poll by ABC NEWS/World News Tonight reported that 73 percent of Americans thought our manners as a society were worse than 20 or 30 years ago. And, according to the National Association of Elementary School Principals, lack of manners is a growing problem in class rooms and playgrounds. Yet, several recent studies conducted by Harvard University, Stanford Research Institute, and the Carnegie Foundation snowed that 85% of our career success depends on social skills.

    We at Mannerly Manners® believe that by learning the rules of manners and etiquette, today's young people develop the confidence and self-esteem to become more successful throughout their lives
  • Why would an "outsider" teach etiquette and manners; it should be part of every child’s learning in the home.
    Ideally, children would be taught to use these critical life skills at home, where they can be constantly reinforced. The reality is, however, that many parents may have not been taught the proper rules of proper conduct and basic etiquette by their parents, or are so busy in their daily lives that traditional venues for learning etiquette – like the family dining table – no longer provide primary teaching opportunities. Our Mannerly Manners® experience continues to reinforce that our students learn by doing and are sometimes more receptive to the "outside" voice. We encourage parents to sit in on our classes, so that Mannerly Manners® become a family support system and way of life.
  • Aren’t pre-school age children are too young to learn etiquette?
    Young Children love to learn, and just like reading, writing, and arithmetic, the basic foundations of Mannerly Manners® and etiquette can be taught to even the youngest preschooler. In fact, early education and adoption of Mannerly Manners® ensures that these behaviors "stick" and become part of the child's daily mode of personal interaction. Mannerly Manners® courses are age appropriate and interactive students, both key factors to engaging them in the learning process of mastering new skills and developing social self-esteem.
  • Isn’t learning the rules of manners and etiquette boring?
    Learning a new skill – any new skill – is easier if it’s made interesting. Mannerly Manners®, social skills and etiquette are no different. Ask a Mannerly Manners® student if they’re having fun while they are learning you’ll see that Etiquette and Mannerly Manners® is anything but boring!

Mannerly Manners® Works!


In this day and age when kids are so frequently accused of doing bad things, I am proud to know that our boys have your words of wisdom under their belts! I know they know the importance of a handshake and a smile and in so many cases, we know THAT makes all the difference!! Thank you!

- Bill and Heidi Rosati, Teachers; Orono School District,
[January 2000]